Sociolinguistics Mid – Test
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is the study of the effect any and all aspects of society,including cultural
norms,expections,and the way language is used.sociolinguistics also study
grammar,phonetics,vocabulary,and other aspects of this socielect much as
dialectologistwould study the same for a
regional dialect.Sociolinguistics is the effect of the society on the
language,while the latter’s focus is on the language’s effect on the society.
The branch of
sociolinguistics focuses on language as a social
phenomenon. If we take a closer look at the use of language
within society, we find that, characteristically, speakers can be distinguished
from each other and distinguish themselves from other speakers by their
different use of language. Thus, while two speakers may use the same language
they usually do not show the same linguistic behaviour. Instead, linguistic variation –
stylistically, regionally, and socially – is
a typical feature of language use in society.
That is, based on their individual
communicative competence, speakers can vary their language systematically (1)
with respect to the communicative demands of the speech situation, (2)
depending on where they come from regionally, and (3) based on their social
background which is determined by socioeconomic status, age or ethnicity.
2 2. Why do we learn sociolinguistics ?
Benefits we learning of sociolinguistics
Studying linguistics not only
teaches you about languages, but also improves practical and intellectual
→Teamwork skill
.Critical Thinking and
Analytical skills
ü Written
and Oral Communication
ü Information
Because linguists read through large amounts of
data, including texts, audios, and videos, they are trained to search for
essential information among piles of data. Through this process,sociolinguistics
gain intuition as to where and how to approach information.
ü Logical
3 3.What is the relation
between language and society ?
The relation between language and society is deeply
rooted. Language performs various functions in the society and the society does
the same way. If one will not exist, the other one will be affected.Language is the primary tool for
communication purposes, for establishing peace and order in our society, for
showing authority and power, and for attaining goals and objectives. But, it
can also destruct the society if it will use inappropriately. It must follow
the conformity governing the society to avoid conflict s and to meet the
boundary of individual differences.
Society however controls our language
by giving us preferences as what are acceptable and not, because each one of us
has our own perception or point of view. A group of people may accept our
language, but for others, it could be kind of offence or insult. We must know
how, when and where to say it and for what purpose.Social changes produce
changes in language. This affects values in ways that have not been accurately
understood. Language incorporates social values. However, social values are
only the same as linguistic values when the society is a stable and unchanging
one. Once society starts changing, then language change produces special
5. please mention and
explain the branches of linguistics ?
® Phonetics :
Phonetics is the study of
the sounds of speech. It includes understanding how sounds are made using the
mouth, nose, teeth and tongue, and also understanding how the ear hears those
sounds and can tell them apart. A study of phonetics involves practicing
producing (sometimes exotic) sounds, and figuring out which sound you heard.
The wave form of each sound can be analysed with the help of computer programs.
In sign language, phonetics refers to the the possible shapes, movements and use
of physical space.
® Phonology :
Phonology makes use of the
phonetics in order to see how sounds or signs are arranged in a system for each
language. In phonology, it matters whether sounds are contrastive or not, that
is, whether substituting one sound for another gives a different, or
"contrastive," meaning. For example in English, [r] and [l] are two
different sounds - and the words "road" and "load" differ
according to which of these sounds is used. But in some languages, [r] and [l]
are variations of the same sound. They could never make a meaning difference in
words that differ by only that sound. Phonologists describe the contrastive
consonants and vowels in a language, and how pronunciation is affected by the
position of the sound in the word and the sounds that are nearby. They are also
interested in syllables, phrases, rhythm, tone, and intonation.
® Morphology:
Morphology looks at how
individual words are formed from smaller chunks of meaningful units called
morphemes. For example, the English word 'untied' is really made up of three
parts, one refering to the process of reversing an action (un-), one indicating
the action of twisting stringlike things together so they stay (tie), and the
last indicating that the action happened in the past (-d). Many languages have
a much more complex way of putting words together. Morphology interacts in
important ways with both phonology (bringing sounds together can cause them to
change) and syntax, which needs to pay attention to the form of a word when it
combines it with other words.
® Syntax
: Syntax is the study of how
phrases, clauses and sentences are constructed and combined in particular
languages. Writing a grammar requires defining the rules that govern the
structure of the sentences of the language. Such rules involve both the order
of words, and the form of words in their various possible positions. There are
common patterns among even unrelated languages, and many linguists believe this
is the result of general principles which apply to most, if not all, languages.
For example, languages where the direct object generally follows the verb have
a lot of things in common, in contrast to the things in common held by
languages in which the direct object generally precedes the verb.
® Lexicology
Lexicology is the study of lexis or stock of
words in a language. We will also use the word vocabulary
interchangeably with lexis. Take note that lexis and vocabulary
are non-count nouns (although occasionally, you could talk about vocabularies,
this would be unusual); if you need to refer to individual items, you should
talk about lexical items or vocabulary items. You might also
encounter the term lexicon, which (unfortunately) can be used in a
couple of ways; firstly, it can be used as a more technical version of lexis;
many people use it synonymously with dictionary. What must be remembered
is that any dictionary can never be comprehensive in its listing of the lexis
of a particular language. (You might also encounter the term lexicography
which is the study of dictionaries.)
® Semantics
Semantics is the study of meaning. It focuses on the relation between
words, phrases and other bits of language and on how these words and phrases
connect to the world. Pragmatics is
similar, but it involves the study of how speakers of a language use the
language to communicate and accomplish what they want. Pragmatics looks more at
the relationship between speaker and listener which allows assumptions to be
made about the intended message, considering, for example, the way context
contributes to meaning. A classic example is where someone is asked "Do
you want some coffee?" Does the reply "Coffee will keep me
awake" mean yes or no? It depends whether the person wants to stay awake -
and the questioner will only understand the intended meaning if they know
whether the person wants to stay awake.
6 6.
What is standard language
? give an example
Standard language is the
language used officially and formally in spoken or written, standard language is official form of language spoken in
the centers of commerce and government, school,etc.
Example : Arabic,Cantanose,Dutch, Chinese
Language is the main part
in variety of language, whereas Dialect is the lower part. Language is mostly
used by people, while Dialect may be used in specific place or social which is
called Regional dialect and Social
dialect.Dialect is the variety of vocabulary, syntax, pronunciation.
Accent is variety only in pronunciation
7 8.
Giving an example of formal
and informal language
Formal language : she has
done the makeup
Informal language : she’s done the makeup [contractions]
9`What aspects of language
are sociolinguistics interested in ?
Sociolinguists are
interested in explaining why people speaak differently in different social
contexts. They are concerned with the way people signal aspects of their social
identity through language. Sociolinguists study the effect of social factors –
such as social distance, social status, age , gender, and class – on language
varieties (dialects, registers, genres, etc). Sociolinguists are also concerned
with identifying the social functions of language andd the ways it is usedd to
convey social meaning.
9 10.When two or more people
from different language met and tried to communicate, what should they do ?
Lingua franca

1 11. Why do people switch and mix a language
There are many
possibilities why people switch or mix language. It can be a way to learning a
new word in a language, for example : when someone with a background language
is Bahasa (Indonesia) will try to fit some other language words while he/she
speaks, whether it English, Chinese, or Japanase, it may be a strategy to learn
new word and to keep that word in mind by use it in speaking. language, it may
be to suit to interlocutor.
112. Giving an example of code switching and
code mixing ?
Code mixing : Hey,Assesment from miss desti,udah
kamu kerjakan?
Code switching : good morning guys.pagi ini,apa kabar nya?